Sunday, November 12, 2017

Give Thanks for November

Don't be a turkey!  Come to our meeting this week!

Here are the details:
Wednesday, Nov. 15th, at 7:00 p.m.
Place:  Pilgrim Lutheran Church
462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin
All are welcome!

Did you make a cat challenge quilt?  (Remember, these were made with donated cat print fabric for charity.)  Wednesday's meeting is the deadline to get your name in for the drawing.  I think there might be a nice prize (maybe even a gift certificate).
That would be purr-fect!

What are you doing in 2018?  It's just around the corner.  Sign up for something!  You can be a hostess, chair or participate on a committee, or even lead the meetings.  We're all in this together, and there is always a way to contribute.  We need YOU!

Don't forget the food pantry!  We're still collecting cash and gift cards to help people in need.

Free Quilt Pattern

Here's this month's free quilt pattern:  Sunday Drive, by Christina from Center Street Quilts.  It's EASY, jelly roll friendly, and great for scraps.  Click HERE to go to the directions.

And now for something completely different--Retreat News!
These photos are from the first group to go on retreat.
Here's Norma, sewing in the dark of night, making adorable baby quilts.
Pam is powering away, creating gorgeous spiral table runners.
Here's our little gang (except for me).  Sorry Luanne is hidden behind the lamp.
My station is next to Norma, the one with the Christmas blocks.  It was Christmas all weekend for me.
There was another group of 4 quilters in the next room.  My photos of them didn't come out, sadly.  I apologize, Sandy, Mary, Michelle, and Sandy's daughter Abby.
We sewed, and laughed, and ate, and played the dice game, and laughed even harder, and shopped, and ate some more, and just in general had a terrific time.  We got a few things done, too.
Question for you--is this the ugliest fabric you ever saw?  How would you describe it?
Here's the bundle of joy we left for the second group as a challenge.   Do you think they can make something using all this weird stuff?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Come to meeting this week, and maybe we'll find out.
Hope to see you there!

Friday, October 13, 2017

October: Fall is Here

Welcome to Fall!

October is a wonderful month in Wisconsin.  The leaves are turning red and orange and yellow, the apples are ripe, and it feels great to cuddle up with a quilt.
Here's what's coming up this month:
Meeting:  Wednesday, October 18th, at 7:00 p.m.
Place:  Pilgrim Lutheran Church
462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin
All are welcome.
Yes, it's our annual Silent Auction.  Hurray!  Here's how it works.  You bring up to 3 boxes/bundles/bags/baskets/containers, etc. of sewing/quilting/knitting related items to auction off.  Our fabulous silent auction queens will put slips of paper next to each box/bundle etc., with places for people to write their name and the amount of money they want to bid.  When the auction is over, the box/bundle, etc. goes to the highest bidder.  If nobody bid on it, you have to take it home again.  The money collected goes to the group for speaker fees, classes, batting for charity quilts, etc.
Remember to bring money!  Shopping other people's stuff is fun!
Hints on how to get your items sold:
1.  Include chocolate or other delicious treats.
2.  Choose items someone else might actually want.
3.  If #2 fails, see #1.
This is a tease.  I will be bringing some of these, cut up.  Are these modern fabrics?  No!  These are feedsacks.  My other stuff will be a surprise, maybe even to myself since I haven't picked it out yet.
Don't forget the Food Pantry!  This month we're continuing our monetary donations to help the food pantries buy needed supplies.

Guess what else is coming up this month?
No, not that kind of retreat!  This kind of retreat!
The first group going to Bradley's Countryside Retreat in Reedsburg sets out on Thursday, Oct. 26, and we're not coming home until Sunday afternoon!  This is going to be a blast.  Quilt til you wilt!

Looking ahead, if you're making a Brown Bag Challenge item, it's due at our December meeting.
This is what I received in 2012, from Joan D.  It's perfect for my table from now to Thanksgiving.
She even put a label on it!
Do you know what you're making yet?
Finally, this month's free quilt pattern.
This one is called Modern Maple Leaf, and you can get the pdf pattern HERE.  It's easy and fun, and only 2 pages to print.
See you at the meeting!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

June in Wisconsin

Is there a nicer month in Wisconsin than June?  It's warm out, even hot at times, and the gardens are growing.  Strawberries are ripe, and school is out for summer.

Our June meeting is this Wednesday!
Date and Time:  June 21, at 7:00 p.m.
Place: Sew Many Pieces,
1717 Wolf Road "A"
Richfield, WI 53076
Note the place change!!  We will be meeting at Mickey's shop!!  Bring a folding chair or two if you can.

Brown Bag Exchange
Don't forget your brown bag for the brown bag exchange, if you are participating.  Just find a fat quarter, and put it and a piece of paper with your name on it in a brown paper bag.  We'll do a blind exchange, where nobody knows whose bag anybody else got.  Once you get your bag, you use the fat quarter to make something (pretty much anything!) for the person whose name is in the bag.   Then wrap it in Christmas/holiday paper, and give it to the person at our Christmas party.  Simple, right?  Maybe you'll do better than I do, and make your gift BEFORE the last minute.

Food Pantry
At our last meeting, we decided to collect money for the local food pantries for the next few months.  They will use it to buy meat, milk, etc.  It's just another way to help our neighbors in need.

Are you going on the retreat with us?  See Mary M. at the meeting to reserve your spot.

Free Quilt Patterns
There are so many great quilt patterns on the internet, but it can be hard to find them.  Here's a website every quilter should know about:  Marcia Hohn's Quilters Cache
Marcia has patterns for hundreds of quilt blocks, with good clear directions, and often suggestions on how to set the blocks together, etc.  You can search for blocks by name or by size.

See you Wednesday night!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What, It's May Already???

Yep, according to the calendar, not only is it May, but our May meeting is TONIGHT!

Due to an increase in babysitting resulting in a decrease of time, and an increase in cold symptoms resulting in a decrease in energy, this blog has been sadly neglected.

When I am fully recovered and get a day off (if those two ever happen together), I will write a more complete post.  For now, here are some photos I've been meaning to share.
This is the corn crib at the museum (Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts).  Our donation, plus the donations of others, made the restoration possible.  Good job us!

This is the blue and yellow quilt top we made blocks for many years ago.  The photo here was taken as my friend Joey Mahieu was loading it on her long arm machine at her shop in Mineral Point.
The group made blocks, and I put them together, but the top languished for literally years.  Here you can see some of the beautiful quilting Joey did on it.
And here it is from another angle.  While Joey was working on it, a customer asked if it was for sale.  She offered $300, Joey called me, and I accepted for us.  The lady got the quilt, and the museum got the check.  Joey donated her time and expertise, the backing, and the batting.  She forgot to take a photo when it was all done.  (I think we'll forgive her!)

Lastly, here's our recent group photo.  I think it appeared on Facebook, but just in case you haven't seen it, here it is.  Isn't this a great bunch of gals?

Don't forget tonight's meeting, 7:00, usual place.  There's nothing like getting together with other quilters.
Before you know it, it will be June!

Monday, March 6, 2017

March Right In

Hello, Ties that Bind Quilters!  March winds sometimes make us think of pinwheels, at least when it isn't snowing.  This month's free pattern is Pinwheel Puzzle, from the Moda Bakeshop.  Click HERE to get the directions.   There are two different kinds of pinwheels in this quilt.

By the way, if you haven't visited the Moda Bakeshop, you're in for a treat.  There are dozens of free patterns there, using Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes, Charm Squares, etc.  And there's no law you can't cut your own jelly rolls, etc. from your yardage.

Our March work day for charity quilts was Thursday, March 2, at Sew Many Pieces in Richfield.  Here's Pat D., pausing her sewing to smile for me.  There's Micky in the background, and Mary L. cutting pieces.
Everybody was hard at work!  I spy Joan L., Nellie, Carol, Pat D. and Pat P. in this shot.  Somebody tell me who's ironing here.  (Is it Kathy D.?)
Nancy, Ann W., and Pat D. are working and talking at the same time.  I don't think that would work  for me (I'm easily distracted!), but they're doing great.
Mary L. and Helen are getting blocks squared up and yardage cut.
We had a great group of workers, several of whom are not pictured since I left early.

Due to a problem with tendonitis, I was no help at all, but I did take home some homework for when my arm heals up.

Speaking of homework, how are you doing on the mystery quilt?
I'm done with Clue#1, 20 nine patches in medium #1 and medium dark.  I'm still working on Clue#2, 48 four patches in medium #1 and light.  Mary M. promised it was not too difficult, and so far it's working out.  I just hope my colors turn out okay.

Next meeting:  

Wednesday, March 15th, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Place:  Pilgrim Lutheran Church
462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin

GAME NIGHT!!!  Don't forget to bring 6 fat quarters!!!  We are going to have fun!!!

Food Pantry:  Pasta, noodles, pasta sauce, etc.

All are welcome!  See you there!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

For the Love of February

February is famous for snow, for Presidents Day, and of course for Valentine's Day!

This month's tutorials show us how to make heart shaped quilt blocks in several sizes.  And unlike the heart shaped cookies and candies, these will last til next year, and have no calories.
Both of these tutorials are FREE.

Here's a link to the tutorial for the blocks above:  Multiple Hearts Tutorial 
This comes from Cluck Cluck Sew.

Not scrappy enough?  What about this one?

The block above is made in the same way as the others, but with more scraps.
Here's the link to the tutorial:  Simple Strippy Heart
This one is from Craftsy.

Now let's get down to business.

Next meeting:  Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
Place:  Pilgrim Lutheran Church
462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin

All are welcome!  See you there!

Monday, January 16, 2017

A New Start for the New Year

Welcome to the Ties that Bind Quilters Web Page!
This is our January issue, and I hope it will be a model for the rest of the year.

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, Jan. 18th, at 7:00
Place:  Pilgrim Lutheran Church
462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin

All are welcome!

Members, if you participated in the Brown Bag Challenge, this is the meeting to bring your finished gift.
Our Food Pantry item for January is canned vegetables.

Each month I'm planning to include a tutorial for a free scrap quilt pattern.  This month's is Star Value, by Melissa Corry of Happy Quilting, which is pictured above.

All of the pieces are either squares or half square triangles, so not too difficult.  There are directions for several different sizes of blocks, which of course use different sized scraps.  The block above (yes, that's just one block!) finishes at 20 in.
Here's a photo of the full quilt:
It's a lovely quilt, and a good, detailed tutorial.  FYI, it was first published on the Happy Quilting blog in 2013, so the giveaways listed are no longer offered.

Here's the link to the tutorial:
Star Value Quilt Tutorial

While you're there, you may want to check out her other tutorials.  She has lots, and they're all free.

Please let me (Sylvia) know if anything here doesn't work, etc.  I'd also like to know if you make one of these--we'll be sure to post a photo.

Stay warm, and happy quilting!