The little legs in the photos belong to my grandson, who was "helping" me. (He took about a thousand photos himself, mostly of his shoes.)
You can see what a terrific group of quilts these are.
Bright and colorful, warm and comforting, all to go to a good cause.
Nice work, ladies!
I'm sure these quilts will brighten someone's day.
Want to see the backs?
Plus 10 more I didn't get photos of!
After the September meeting, we had a total of 13 quilts, seen here laid out on the table, ready to send.
Even with Marie Kondo-style folding, I could only get ten quilts in this big box. So this is how many I sent.
There is an extra postage charge for using such a big box, so next time I will ship fewer quilts in a smaller box. We have three quilts ready to go right now.
I will keep doing this as long as anybody wants to make the quilts.
Just to recap, the Jack's Basket charity requests quilts 36 in. square, to go in the baskets they give to new parents of Down's Syndrome children.
Congratulations on donating to a great cause! We really are the little quilt group that could.