Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May/June Update

Free Sunshine Clipart Pictures - Clipartix 

Hello, Summer!  No snow prevented us from meeting in May.  Suddenly it's summertime, with picnics, gardening, lawn mowing, vacations, and, always, quilting.

What's happening in June?

June 7th:  Charity Sew at Sew Many Pieces in Richfield, starting at 10:00.  This will be the last one organized by our faithful charity quilt committee until fall.  They are taking the summer off.  More details about the summer at the June guild meeting.

June 9th:  Saturday Open Sew, Germantown Community Library, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We have to be out by 3:00, because that's when the library closes.  Bring your sewing projects, machines, etc.  An ironing board and iron will be provided.  You can bring your lunch, or take your choice from lots of nearby restaurants.

June 15th and 16th:  Annual Rummage Sale at the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts in Cedarburg.  Friday, June 15th, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Saturday, June 16th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. 
Do you have sewing/knitting/quilting items to donate to the museum sale?  Donations will be accepted on Tuesday, June 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and on Wednesday, June 13th, from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.

June 20th:  Ties that Bind Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Pilgrim Lutheran Church
462 Meadowbrook Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin
All are welcome.

Here's Homework Puppy to remind us what to bring in June.

*Pincushion Competition!  Bring your cutest/best/most useful pincushion.  (I believe this needs to be made by you.)

*Your favorite notion

*Brown Bag for the Brown Bag Challenge
If you'd like to participate, here's what to do.  Get a brown bag.  Put a fat quarter in it.  Put your name in it (Not ON it).  We'll exchange them.  Each participant will make something with the fat quarter in the bag they drew for the person whose name is in the bag.  This will be your Christmas gift to that person.

*Cash contribution for the food pantry (if you so desire)

*  Your appetite!  We are having an ice cream social for our refreshments.

What about the Block of the Month?
When the newsletter hits your email box, it will include a copy of the pattern for the Block of the Month (thanks to Pat Patoka and our faithful newsletter editor Pam!).  I asked to have the pattern early so I could make up a sample for you.
This is how far I've gotten.  The background is pieced, and the rickrack is sewn down.  The rickrack will be flower stems, did you guess?
The pattern is called Spring in a Jar.  Next up, sew down the jar.
I'll post again when I get it done, with step by step directions and photos.

For now, stay cool, and keep quilting!


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